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Basketball Injuries – Prevention and Treatment

Knee injuries are very common in basketball due to the repetitive jumping as well as the twisting and cutting movements that are an essential part of the sport. The different types of knee injuries include: Jumper’s knee (patellar tendonitis):...read more

Knee Conditions

Why is My Knee Buckling?

Knee buckling, which is the sudden giving way or instability of your knee, can pose a serious health hazard. You could fall and sustain grievous injury if it occurs when you are running or climbing stairs. Let’s look at...read more

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Signs Your Injury Could Be an ACL Tear

An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is one of the most dreaded injuries in sports and athletics. Once an ACL tear has occurred, the knee becomes unstable and weak. Complete recovery from this type of an injury could take...read more

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5 Reasons to See a Knee Doctor

Your knee is one of the largest weight-bearing joints in the body. It is supported by an intricate network of ligaments and tendons as well as shock-absorbing cartilage. If any one of these structures isn’t functioning as it is...read more

Health Tips

How Healthy Are You? (Men’s Health Month)

With June being Men’s Health Month, the focus is on encouraging men to live healthier, happier lives. So, Men – How healthy are you? To a large extent, the condition of your bones and joints determines your level of...read more

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What to Expect at Home After Cartilage Transplant Surgery

Cartilage allows a joint to glide smoothly and acts as a cushion between bony structures. Sports injuries can take a toll on the body’s cartilage, especially in high impact sports, like football. As we age, our cartilage is susceptible...read more